

A film review: 'The Social Network'

Origin: United States · Language: English
David Fincher · Writer: Aaron Sorkin
Genre: Drama · Release: October 1, 2010

Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield,
Brenda Song, Rooney Mara

More info: IMDb

Wow. I slept as early as 8.00 pm yesterday, so I had more than enough sleep right now. The main reason for that was this movie.

Gonna make this short and sweet without spoiling the plots; except for the fact that this IS a pre-and-post-Facebook movie AND about Mark Zuckerberg. Directed by David Fincher (Se7en and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), The Social Network is kinda lengthy in duration, and the story's progression is kinda slow. The only action you'll get from this film is the back and forth dialogues between each characters, which is kinda well-written and well-structured. The drama dwells within the dialogues, so you had to focus on them each and every time.

There. I guess that's it. And I think you'd already know how did I get to watch it earlier. If you guys feel that this film is a cinematic experience, then you guys can wait for its Malaysian release due at the near-end of November. As for me, well... I need a good rest before rewatching this film; but not in the cinema of course. I'm only gonna sleep half way through, and that's a waste of my money and time. I'd rather wait for Tron: Legacy instead.

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